Saturday, May 21, 2011

Altered Matchboxes

Matchboxes are not just for matches you know
they are for altering and filling.
I have joined many matchbox swaps on swapbot
which if you don't know is a worldwide swapping place where once you join and its
free you can swap in all different categories ;You sign up for a swap which could be anything
from an ATC card to candy from your country ,Say you sign up for a matchbox swap, the theme is princess inside you could place die cut crowns,a tiara sticker  
a tiny wand and some stick on bling. Its very fun and very addictive,I have made boxes with false fronts
that opened like tiny books,And ones that had pop ups on top.Suitcases and chests of drawers,
See what i mean its endless totally addictive and cheap to buy and send,The idea with swapbot is you could
send to a partner in Bulgaria and receive from a partner in America.I have sent all over the world and met some fabulous people,Once you get to know swappers you can do private swaps,Each swap is rated and commented on so that you get feedback.try it sometime,

 Here us a large matchbox cover that i made into a book for a swap
I made the book into a Tales from the Toyshop Book. the rectangles above are actually
book pages as seen from the side i took a real photo of the edges of an old book and top and then print and stick these on the side of the matchbox and also on the drawer ends,Its very effective.
 Not a matchbox as such but a tiny box i covered bought this for $2 at the bargain shop
it contained a glass angel which i have an aversion to so i tossed the angel and used the box.
Bad i know but there you are that's me hehe !Added this to prove my work isn't all digital
this was hand collaged over old music sheets.
 Halloween matchbox wrap above and also another below

 A pirate treasure chest box with lid The lid becomes a false top over the treasure so it flaps open
revealing a hint of the treasure,Also i added a few real bits to the treasure a pearl here a diamante there
a real chain piece, Definitely a fave i didn't want to post it,

1 comment:

  1. Your new blog is very pretty Jules!! Loved seeing your projects! I'm following!
